Tuesday, April 23, 2019

23 April - Good People Everywhere

On our journey from London to Edinburgh we have encountered the sweetest, most helpful and just good people.  Everyone is genuinely friendly and willing to help in any way they can.  Men jump up to take your bag and help you off and on a train.  Total strangers become your friend within 5 minutes.  Today Rita was talking to a young man from South Africa who made sure we had our bags secured and off the train.  I had a conversation with a family from New York with 3 young children.  What a great dad who totally engaged his 3 little boys.  Everyone wants to know about you and especially interested if you tell them we are from Oregon.  Some don’t know it’s on the West Coast as those who do visit the U.S. stay on the East Coast.  They totally understand my frustration with driving here as they share the same fear and frustration and tell me not to even attempt driving in Scotland.   Another thing we find is that children and dogs/cats come first.  Even the restaurants advertise that children and pets are welcome and often adults too.  Everything is set up for kids and the kids and parents just enjoy one another.  Haven’t run into a bratty kid yet.  Our last B&B had dog treats on a shelf for dog guests.  They even set up a special table in the lounge so that a couple with their dog could have private dining outside the Dining Room.  Now that is accommodating your guests.  Samson was lucky to get his dog food in the laundry room.  One thing about this trip is that it has renewed my faith in the goodness of people and that everyone wants the best for their families and others.

So happy to be on a comfortable stress free train
We got off to a lovely start today with one of the most beautifully served breakfast I’ve ever had.  We packed up our bags and found the Enterprise Car for Hire in the actual time – 13 minutes.  No dents, scratches or other signs of accident.  The entire 4 days we only used 1/4 tank of petrol traveling from Cardiff to Llanduno Junction – all the way from South to North Wales.  I would buy a Hyundai Hybrid anytime.  We were driven to train station and then we were off on a comfortable stress free 4-hour train ride to Edinburgh.  If I had driven, we would still be out on the road with me clutching the steering wheel.  Rita is already asleep at 8:30 pm and I plan on taking a Tylenol PM and pass out and be ready for day of touring the city…by bus.  Of course, it’s supposed to rain for the first time in 2 weeks.  Guess we need to be thankful for all the sunshine we had up till today.  One thing I am thankful for is a God who continues to send us people to show us His goodness and answers prayers. Rita is feeling much better and for that I am truly thankful.
Lovely fresh flowers on our breakfast table

The dining room in our B&B Clontarf House, llandudano Junction

Some of the scenery along the route - always sheep no matter where you go

One of the many train stations along our 4 hour journey - Preston, UK


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