Saturday, September 21, 2013


Those of you that have gone on mission trips have heard me preach “Flexibility”.  Oh, I did not know how much that word could mean till I got into Ireland.  I don’t care what you plan, there is another meaning of what is being told to you.  Example:
“It will only take 20 minutes” – means: Actually 1-1/2 hours since you will encounter road blocks, sheep in the road and roundabouts with signs that do not have the destination you are looking for.
“There is good signage” - means if you know where to look for them you will find a sign, but since there are NO road names on any post signs anywhere it’s hard to read the sign.  Oh yes, every once in a while you see an antique street sign attached to a building if you have the time to look for it. 
“It’s a good road”: - means its two lanes without sheep and bicycles or one lane bridges.
This may not look too bad, but we had just passed a bunch wandering into the road.

“Lots of parking” (I still can’t stop laughing at that one) means – Drive around the town three times while you pass cars with their rear-ends out into your narrow lane and then just park on the sidewalk or any driveway.  There doesn’t seem to be any rules.
“It costs E12 to get in that Castle” – means that don’t know and they are just making up the price. When you check it out its E3 (about $4.00)
“Take the 2nd turn on the roundabout” – means it’s actually the 4th turn and you are already ½ way down the road of the 2nd turn before you know it.
“Just relax and enjoy the road” – means; ARE THEY INSANE!!!!!!Or just had a few Guinness.
Suzan’s hint of the day:   Tea makes you pee.  Do not drink a pot of tea before going off on these country roads.  Also, having to pee makes you wet your pants when someone is making you laugh because they think it’s funny to be lost and keep asking you to look at the pretty scenery.  Scenery-Shimerary – WHERE’S the D _ _ _ TOILET!  Thank God for Petro stations.
Rita's Famous Words:  "It won't take too long to get there".  I won't even comment on that one.

We had a good night stay in Carlow at a little B&B called Burrow House.  It was very simple, clean and run by a sweet Irish lady named Mary.  She was a delight and a wonderful cook.  Our room was at the top of steep staircase so once Rita was up that was where she stayed.  The house was right next to the Burrow River and the entrance into the older part of town.  In trying to find it they kept telling us to take the “tunnel” and finally after 3 trips around the town we figured out they meant take “Tullow Street”.  I’ve got to figure out the accent.
Our sweet little room up a very steep flight of stairs.  Rita had the bed over in the corner.

Our host, Mary was so sweet and helpful.  The dining room is behind Rita.
I thought we were heading for Belfast today, but it was actually Navan.  Another hour trip that took 4 hours since we decided to take the side roads.  We did find Trim castle, but couldn’t get out to see it since there was absolutely NO parking within miles.  I wonder what it’s like during the summer tourist season.  We were told to go to a Silver Factory off onto another town about 6 miles away.  An hour later as we went past a race track, sheep out feeding, and totally lost, we came across a horse farm to ask a gentleman directions.  Just as we were about to back out in came a huge truck with a trailer on it wanting to go into the SAME driveway.  How that truck got down that same road is beyond me and how we got out is still a mystery.
This is just one little portion of Trim Castle, but it was as close as we could get with no parking.
We finally found Navan about 4:00 pm (planned to be there at 12 Noon) and for the first time found our B&B before dark.  It is beautiful.  She served us tea right off and it was so good to be sitting still.   In fact, Rita is still downstairs on the sofa.
Meadow View B&B.  This place has the most beautiful garden.  Rod would kill to mow their lawn.

Our lovely little room.  It's mint green with pink flowers.  Makes me think of my days of wanting a little girl.

Lily – this for you.  We tried to go to the Curaigue Racetrack but it was closed for the day.  We made two trips up and down the road till we saw this race horse being worked out.
For Heather and Joy – I don’t understand Rita’s complaint about me not finding things or knowing where I put them.  I just don’t get it!!!